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Week 1:

Mindfulness & Running (or Walking!)

Welcome to Mind Body Run!


Welcome to the Mind Body Run program at UWaterloo! I am very excited to offer this as a virtual resource that supports physical and mental health in our UWaterloo community.


As you are aware, our focus in this group will be on enhancing physical, mental, and emotional health through the practice of mindful running (or walking). Each week you you can access a mindful reflection and some other information to consider for your run/walk. This is meant to help give you some guidance and focus as you engage in exercise. Additionally, I hope that this group also provides a great opportunity to  spend some time outside, soaking in the fresh air.




Here are some suggested maps of routes  for a range of distances, from 3K to 6K. All the maps loop around the campus area so the routes should be easy to navigate. Click on the thumbnail to view the whole image.

An Introduction to Mindfulness

To be mindful means to pay attention, in the present moment, on purpose, without judgement. If you are new to mindfulness, here is a great video from Jon Kabat Zin that offers some basic information to help you get started.


Weekly Reflection

Since this is the first week, I don't want to overwhelm you with too much information, so the focus is just on understanding the basic principles of mindfulness and focusing on being present in your run or walk. Try to let go of any expectations, worries, or stressors you are carrying by focusing on being present in your movement today. A good place to start? While you run/walk, consider your senses:

What sounds do you hear?

What sights do you notice (anything you have missed before while rushing to class)?

What scents do you smell?

What sensations do you feel? Internal to your body (i.e. heart, lungs), external (feet on the ground, wind on your skin)?


Also, consider:

Are there thoughts coming to mind? Notice their presensce, then let them go and focus back on the present in the moment.

What emotions do you feel? Does this relate to a specific sensation?


As the weeks progress, we will learn to focus our attention more specifically on some of these different areas as we run. For now,  just practice being in the present and enjoying your experience! There is no pressure to be fast, this is all about the process, not the results!


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