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Week 5:

Feel Your Feet

Are Your Aware  of Your Feet?


Our feet literally carry us through the day, from point A to point B. But, how often do we take the time to notice and experience the sensations we have in our feet as we move, step by step? Likely, your feet are the last thing on your mind as you are walking or running around. Take a moment, when you have one, and remove your shoes and socks. Walk around in your bare feet and notice what sensations you feel on different surfaces - grass, concrete, dirt, carpet, tile, wood. Notice the temperature, the firmness, texture, and other properties of the ground against your feet. Sense the ground against different parts of each foot, your heels, the balls of your feet, and each individual toe.

Weekly Reflection

This week, as you run or walk, bring the richness of the sensations in your feet to the forefront of your mind. Notice as you move at diferent paces and across different surfaces how your feet feel. To help with this process, imagine your feet are as sensitive as your hands and experience all the nerve endings coming to life with every step. What do you notice? Does your run/walk feel different as you keep this imagery in mind?

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