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Week 7:

Your Cadence

What is Cadence?


For runners (and walkers), it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with your cadence. What is cadence? The term cadence refers to the number of revolutions per minute (RPM) that your feet turn over as you move. For those looking to improve their running speed, generally a higher cadence (i.e. more, smaller steps, versus less, larger steps) means preservation of energy at a faster pace. However, it is not always a helpful or necessary goal to run fast. In fact, often it can help to focus on slowing your cadence if you are looking for a more relaxing, enjoyable run. Paying attention to your cadence, as with your breath, can also help you get into a rhythm physically, and even give you an audible, rhythmic sound to focus on. Check out the video below for some additional information on cadence and running.

Weekly Reflection

This week, as you run or walk, notice the cadence of your feet. Consider taking smaller strides and allowing your ears to attune to the rhythmic sound of your feet at a pace you are comfortable at. Go as slow as you need to, there is no pressure to achieve speed. Also, notice what feels different as you consciously pay attention to taking smaller steps with an even pace. Is this challenging? Easy? Do you have the natural tendency to want to speed up? Take bigger strides? Also notice how your breath matches your stride. How many steps do you take for each inhale/exhale?

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