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Week 4:

Noticing Sensations

Pay Attention to How You Feel


There are often so many distractions in our external world that we neglect to pay attention to the feelings and sensations that are present inside our own bodies. We tend to ignore early indicators that we are stressed or sick because we are not attuned to the small shifts that may be occuring inside us. This is often how we end up becoming ill, getting injured, and experiencing a major break-down in our mental health.


Practice Doing a Body Scan


A great way to practice noticing the sensations in your body is to try a guided body scan.  The purpose of doing a body scan is to turn attention inward to your body in an intentional, non-judgmental way. This is something you can try prior to going for your run this week. Below is an 9 minute body scan you can use.

Weekly Reflection

As you run or walk this week, try to incorporate in informal body scan, moving through your body (head to toes, or vice versa) noticing the different internal sensations you feel. Remember to practice non-judgement, trying your best not to label sensations as good or bad, instead describing them in a more objective way. Here are some things to consider:


  • What sensations seem to keep demanding your attention?

  • Do you notice certain sensations that you tend to want to label as good/bad? What are they?

  • How easy/difficult was it to pay attention to your body in a non-judgmental way?

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